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Barrages/Single Ignition/Cake

Showing 1–16 of 21 results

Item “Mad As A Box Of Frogs” in shopping cart. Shop pickup only from Carshalton, Surrey, UK.

Single ignition fireworks also known as single ignition barrages or cakes are by far the best option if you want to have your own firework display. So simple to use that all you need to do is secure the firework then light the fuse. The firework will come to life with a variety of effects, some of our cakes will last up to 3 minutes and truly are a display in a box. We offer a great range from smaller cakes which last 20 seconds and are perfect for small garden displays, to our large bore extravaganzas which give a real professional looking display.
NOTE: All fireworks can ONLY be purchased in store and not online/via a phonecall.